What Is An Alcoholic Nose Or Drinker’s Nose Rhinophyma?
Macie JepsonAnd I’m Macie Jepson, and this is The Science of Health. So many questions here and today we are leaning on Dr. Ryan Marino for the answers. He’s a medical toxicologist at University Hospitals in Cleveland. In more severe cases, the nose and cheeks can take on a purple hue and start to become […]
What Helps With Alcohol Withdrawal? 18 Tips
Dietary guidelines recommend that if you drink, men limit daily drinking to two drinks or less per day and women limit their drinking to one drink or less per day. Consuming more than that can lead to liver damage and heart disease, and increase your risk for some cancers. The main goal of treatment is […]
10 Ways to Relax Without Drinking Alcohol
Here’s what else to know about the relationship between nightcaps and your nightly rest. Most Americans (1 in 3) are not getting their fair share of shut-eye — and it’s having a negative affect on their health and overall wellbeing, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “By supplementing with magnesium, you not […]